Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Jimmy Farrar /Joyce "baby Jean" Kennedy
Lead 1 (square]

Joyce "Baby Jean" Kennedy
Lead 5 (charang]

Joyce "baby Jean" Kennedy Vocal III
Lead 4 (chiff]

Dave Hlubek Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Duane Roland Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Steve Holland Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Banner Thomas Bass
Acoustic Bass

Bruce Crump Drums
Well I re-me-ber when I met you ba-by back a long time a-go-o well you were tell-in me you loved me I bet you just did-nt kn-o-w well now you say you got news for me well I know that it\'s the hurt-ing ki-nd well I know your gon-na tell me ba-by you can nev-er be mi-ne and you keep on screa-m-ing at me as I\'m go-ing out the door re-spect me in the mo-rn-ing do-n\'t love you no more Well I\'ve been com-ing here lov-ing you ba-by sev-en long nights a week but ev-ery time I leave you you-re right back out on the streets and you\'ve been say-ing you\'ve been true to me my friends they say your telling me lies and if you dont straig-hten up your act I think I\'m going to black-en your ey-y-es and you keep on scream-ing at me as I\'m headiing out the do-o-o-or-oo-oo-oh Well I re-me-ber when I met you ba-by back a long time a-go-o oh oh oh you were tell-ing me you loved me how much you just did-nt kno-o-w well now you say you got news for me well I know that it\'s the hurt-ing ki-nd I know your gon-na tell me ba-by you can nev-er be mine and you keep on screa-m-ing at me as I\'m go-ing out the door oh oh re-spect me in the morn-ing or dont come \'round here no more and you keep on scream-ing at me as I\'m go-ing out the door re-spect me in the mo-rn-ing or don\'t come \'round here no more oh oh oh oh oh